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Considered the core platform for all true outdoor adventurers, this Dodge ProMaster van build will get you immersed in the outdoors while leaving budget for all your outdoor gear.
Starting Cost:
Prices reflective of initial build cost. Does not include the cost of the van itself.
Build time:
4 weeks
Who's it for?
OHV now offers two floorplans for the Dodge Promaster - The Bandito 159 and the Bandita 136. While designed for different wheelbases and with some changes in layout, both represent OHV’s comprehensive Dodge ProMaster van-builds. We say comprehensive because even though they’re our most economical build, they tick all the boxes you need for a fully-prepped van expedition. Both have seamlessly integrated solutions for your house battery system, off-grid charging, cooking, washing, storing cold food, sleeping, sitting, and air-venting. The interior is completed with a full panel and insulation kit, and tons of storage for days on the road. And to top it all off, we don’t skimp on material choices either; you get stainless appliances, a choice of custom tweed fabrics, butcher block countertops, and sleek aluminum structures for storage. Building a Dodge ProMaster van that can be your base camp for adventures is not an easy task. It takes a lot of experience and fore-thought to dial-in the perfect package of features. Think of the Bandito/Bandita not as a rookie to the outdoors, but rather that slimmed-down mountain veteran that simply knows what’s critical for a good time.
Take the first step
Just fill out the contact form below and we’ll connect with you to talk about the Bandito.
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